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Tropic of Bamboo drifting

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Latest News: Due to the cooler winter weather, in order to ensure the safety of tourists, the scenic area decided to suspend the drifting project from November 2019 to April 2020, and other projects in the scenic area are operating normally.


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What to do in case of emergency when drifting

issuing time:2019-12-13 09:30:29 abstract:

★ What to do when encountering a capsize

If it is overturning the boat, keep calm, hold your breath, be careful not to hold the water, first straighten the boat body, pay attention to the balanced forces on both sides when you re-board the boat, and someone on the other side should be held down when you climb the boat. Collect the dropped paddles as much as possible, otherwise you can only paddle by hand in the slow flow area. However, if the situation is dangerous, please take your own safety as the priority, and do not force the oars.

★ What to do if the rubber boat slips away when I encounter a capsize?

If it is too late to get on board after the overturn, and the boat drifts away with the current, please don't panic and stand on the safe land on the shore waiting for the rescue of the escort. Never stay in the water again to avoid the danger of water impact and avoid catching a cold.

★ What to do when encountering rapids?

Rafting, of course, the most exciting is the rapids. Therefore, you need to pay attention to the arrows and slogans along the way during rafting, which can help you to be aware of the falling area early. If you are paddling in a river, rafting, rafting down the stream, and drifting down the stream, when the water is wide and the river is relatively slow, you can wave your paddle leisurely and look up at the surrounding scenery. However, when you encounter the rapids, you need to work together , Use a variety of skills to cross the boat together, and the essence of rafting is also reflected here. When going down the rapids, grab the handrails on the inside of the hull, and the person sitting behind leans back slightly. The two people ensure that the hull is balanced and parallel to the river, and flows down. Remember, do not stick the limbs and head out of the rubber raft to avoid hitting stones, otherwise the consequences will be serious.

★ What to do when encountering a vortex?

When the water flow of the Luanhe River is deep, vortices often occur. At this time, you should try to avoid being caught in and passing around. If you are involved, keep calm and let the boat spin along the current. When you turn to the periphery of the vortex, if you are drifting with a paddle, everyone can paddle out to get out of the predicament. Without paddle drifting, you can paddle by hand Or follow the instructions of the drifter. Do not remove the safety helmet as a paddling tool.

★ What to do if I encounter a stranding?

之 处 Where the stones are dense, the water channel becomes narrower, the water depth becomes shallower, and the water flow becomes sharper, which makes it easy to run aground. You don't have to panic at this time, you can use the paddle against the stone to force the boat away from the ground. If this fails, the shallow water does not cross your knees and ensure that the boat can be seen in the water when the boat is stationary. Pull or push the boat back into the water from the side, and the person pulling the boat should be quick and return to the boat as soon as possible ,be careful. When the depth of the water does not reach your knees or the boat is not securely docked, please do not easily enter the water, wait for the help of the escort, and rashly stand up and push yourself. It is very dangerous.

★ What should I do if I encounter a collision between rubber boats?

It is best to control the raft body at the angle of frontal collision (side collisions can easily lead to overturning), and personnel grasp the rope. After the collision, the raft body will be parallel to the shore. At this time, the body should be in the raft to avoid pinching. Sometimes the raft is very close to the raft, and pinching should be avoided.

★ What to do if the rubber boat is cut by stones or branches?

If the rubber boat is punctured, don't panic, ask the escort for help as soon as possible. If the air leak is very serious, when you encounter a gentle river, stop at a safe bank as soon as possible, and the staff will wait for help.


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Address:In Xiangtoushan Forest Park, Taimei Town, Boluo County, Huizhou City

Navigation:Leigongxia Rafting Service Center


Mall customer service:18129622832


Cooperation:Miss Deng13556249116

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Boluo Golden Elephant Mountain Tourism Development Co., Ltd.